Are You

Q: How secure are we?

A: Security is a myth.
- A Blackhat Hacker


Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

We use all kind of techniques (including blackhat techniques) to find out vulnerabilities in your systems or businesses, and help you fix those to avoid attacks which can damage the businesses.

Source Code

Flawed source code removal is our priority

Many of the times problems appear because of insecure code or less awareness of the developers on cyber security, so we analyze sourcecodes, identify and help you fix any flaws there.


Firewall for you and your employee's mind

You’re still hackable. That’s because, minds of the people, who are part of the business is not secure, so they can be social engineered or phished by an attacker, so this is also necessary.

Why Us

How we do it


VAPT Services

We have huge number of ethical hackers who work and attack your systems in every possible way, to make sure we find out 99.99% of the vulnerabilities that can make the business insecure and hackable. Our hackers are working for some of the most secure businesses of the world, like – Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon etc. So, your system will be in safe hands.


Source Code Review

We can go through every single line of source code of your applications and perform review for you to make sure that the developers hasn’t left any flaws, which can turn out to be a vulnerability and damage the business financially, reputationally or by some other means.


Mental Security

After everything above is done, you’re still hackable, because your mind does not have a firewall, you can open a link or a file or any other thousands of techniques are there which can hack you, so if you want a mental firewall against that, we can help you achieve that, because otherwise the previous efforts can be worthless.

Blogs On

Ethical Hacking

15 Types Of Hackers And Cyber Security
What You Need To Know About Bug Bounty Hunting
Pentesting Vs Bug Bounty
Cyber Security On Metaverse
About Us

Who we are

You can call us ethical hackers, security researchers and many other things but the core part is, offensive security is our religion.

Security is a myth, but we have a choice, either we can be insecure or 99% Secure.

We are just a bunch of hackers, who want to hack for good. We want your business to be secure, and let’s start the journey for that together.

– Cipher Warriors

Some of the

Hall of fames and clients